Lightroom Exporter can now create Galleries

Today we’re happy to announce an update to the Fotomerchant Lightroom Exporter. This version sees fixes to issues that have been affecting some Fotomerchant users and adds the ability to create Simple Galleries in Fotomerchant from within Lightroom.

Create Simple Galleries

Simple Galleries allows Lightroom users to quickly create galleries in your Fotomerchant account without ever leaving Lightroom. Users are able to configure the title, password, portfolio visibility and social sharing options for a new gallery and start uploading.

Improvements and Bug Fixes

  1. Uploading from Lightroom is now much more reliable!
  2. We have fixed an issue affecting some user’s ability to log into their Fotomerchant account in Lightroom.

Lightroom Exporter – Handy Tip

Did you know it is possible to speed up the upload speed in Lightroom when exporting to Fotomerchant? Check out this handy tip to increase the speed of your next batch of uploads to Fotomerchant.

Get the latest Fotomerchant Lightroom Exporter here


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Written by

Gabriel is Head of Development at Fotomerchant and spends his days looking after the development team and working with Fotomerchant customers on how to improve the platform.