Introducing the new guy

I’ve been hazed and initiated into PhotoMerchant over the past couple of months and am now an accepted member of the PMCrew. Now that the emotional scars have healed and the physical ones are less visible, I can begin to get stuck into my role as the Creative and Marketing Director.

To date i’ve been working on the “Member Interface”, and without giving too much away, it’s going to look similar to the PhotoMerchant registration page. The Member Interface is where you can manage your online photography business, and within half an hour of registering, you’ll be able to sell your photo’s online. But i’m getting ahead of myself – we’ll be posting details of the product feature set in another post coming soon.

I’m also going to be working pretty heavily on the blog, starting up the photographic tumblr blog, twitting and working on the new PhotoMerchant website, template designs and the next revisions of the member interface. You can read a little more about my background in the bio section, but to give you a quick sampler; you could say that i’m an amateur photographer with grand ambitions of selling my photographic art online. My digital camera is a Cannon EOS450D but my real photographic passion is my Lomography.

So, our apologies for not having posted to the blog much of late. We’re bursting at the seams with some exciting news which we’ll share soon and you should expect more posts that will detail our development progress, our beta testing phase and our ongoing discussions about managing and marketing your photographic business. In the meantime, make sure you register to join our mailing list and to join our beta program.

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Kain is a co-founder, creative and marketing director at Fotomerchant. You've probably seen his template designs, blog posts and video content. His photography website is home to a collection of lomography, instagram and experimental photography.