Meet the Perth Peeps

Wicked! If you clicked the link from the email I sent you, then I’ve got your details and we’ll be in touch closer to the date. It’s a long trip so we” need to make sure we’ve got enough peeps in place before we set a date. The next question is where to have it…

I went to Perth once for a wedding and I don’t remember much about it at all, other than it’s a beautiful city and that Tim Minchin comes from there (he’s cool, so Perth must be cool by association). If you know of a great venue we’d love to hear from you.

Feel free to bring a photographer friend, or get them to contact us directly to be added to the invite list.

As soon as we know when, we’ll shoot out another email.

Written by

Kain is a co-founder, creative and marketing director at Fotomerchant. You've probably seen his template designs, blog posts and video content. His photography website is home to a collection of lomography, instagram and experimental photography.

  • There are plenty of venue available. It all depends on how many people you’ll get together. In my “real” profession I normally use the Duxton Hotel for seminars etc. It’s really central and well known but there are plenty of other hotels that will be able to cater for this. Let me know if there’s anything I can do to help or provide info about.