Watermarking is the process of applying a branded graphic on top of your existing images to create a new watermarked…
The Fotomerchant Blog
Get the latest Fotomerchant news, announcements and photography business tips right here!
Three formidable forces in the Australian photographic industry have aligned their services in order to complete the circle for emerging…
The Gold Coast and Brisbane Meet Ups have been merged into a single Queensland Meet Up event that is happening…
We'd love the opportunity to buy you a drink and show you some of the cool things you can do…
Yeah - go Sydney! If you clicked the link from the email I sent you, then I've got your details…
Wicked! If you clicked the link from the email I sent you, then I've got your details and we'll be…
Update // Date and location confirmed @ Loop, Thursday 3rd June 2010. View more information here: http://www.photomerchant.net/melbourne-meet-up-loop Original Post //…
[update] This event has been merged into the "PhotoMerchant Queensland Meet Up" Sweet mate! If you clicked the link from…
[update] This event has been merged into the "PhotoMerchant Queensland Meet Up". We'll hold a dedicated Brisbane Meet Up later…
Great stuff! If you clicked the link from the email I sent you, then we've got your contact information. Now…